How much for a barrel of oil?

PS.2 Enjoy this report and do not forget to see the Eastwood movie "hang them high": Czeschin's Oil & Energy Investment Report December 25, 2006 =================================================== Why pulling US troops out of Iraq could wind up pushing oil prices to $100 a barrel The trouncing George Bush's party received at the polls last month almost guarantees the United States will soon start pulling its troops out of Iraq. A lot of investors realize that the US invasion of Iraq is a key reason oil prices are still so high today. What they don't realize is that pulling US troops out of Iraq at this point in time ... will send oil prices far higher. I'm not saying US troops should or should not withdraw. That's not my department. My job is to make you money from what's going to happen. And that's what this special flash alert is all about. Saudi Arabia -- not Iraq -- is the ke...